Camp Info & FAQs
When should I arrive to drop my child off?
On the first day of camp there's a lot for our staff to do to prepare for campers to arrive. For that reason, we ask that those bringing campers please wait to arrive until 3:30 PM on the first day of camp (1 half hour before registration begins). Also, please note that anyone bringing campers to camp is responsible for those campers until they have registered. This means that drivers must NOT leave until every camper they brought with them has gone through the registration line. Thank you! When should I pick up my child from camp?
Pick up is at 2:00 PM on the last day of camp. You may also choose to come at 1:30 PM to join us for our closing ceremony where you can view a video summarizing our fun week at camp! Are 18-year-olds too old for camp?
Not at Fir Point! If you have just completed your high school education and still want to attend camp this summer, you certainly can! Which camp should my child go to based on their grade?
We leave it up to the parent to choose to either send their child to the camp labeled with the grade they are going into or the grade just completed. For instance, if your child just finished 4th grade and will be entering 5th grade this fall, you may choose to send your child to either our 3rd - 4th grade camp or our 5th - 6th grade camp. What if registration is "closed"?
The online registration for each camp closes a week before that camp begins. We prefer campers to sign up well before that time so that we can plan for the amount of food and staff. However, on occasion our camps still have space after that deadline so please know that you may still call ahead and check if there is room for your child. The camp phone number is (542) 832-4241. |