Dress CodeDue to the ever-changing cultural norms pertaining to fashion and dress, Fir Point Bible Conference and Camp strives to encourage dress that is respectful and modest in nature. Our dress code is listed below.
- Clothing must not display inappropriate content, profanities, or other negative messages or images of any kind.
- Pajamas are only to be worn in your cabin or when walking to the bathroom.
- Make sure pants/shorts are pulled up
- No revealing shorts or pants allowed
- No muscle shirts allowed
- No plain white swim shorts allowed
- No going topless unless in the pool
- No speedos allowed
- All tops must be waist length and fully cover back and sides
- Bras/Undergarments must be worn underneath clothing when age applicable
- No spaghetti straps, halter tops, or strapless tops allowed
- White shirts must be worn with an accompanying undershirt
- No tights, leggings, stretch/yoga pants to be worn without accompanying shorts or skirt (unless worn inside cabins)
- Shorts should be longer than one’s finger tips when standing with arms down
- Swimsuits must cover the belly, back, and sides or be accompanied by a dark colored T-shirt
Any other questionable item(s) not listed above may be addressed at the discretion of Fir Point Bible Camp staff. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.