Maps & Directions
How to find us
Directions from Interstate 5 - Northbound
Take Exit 80 toward Glendale
At the intersection turn left on Glendale Valley Rd
2.4 miles to town
Turn right onto Azalea-Glen Rd
0.4 miles past the sawmill
Turn right to stay on Azalea-Glen Rd
0.3 miles
Take the 1st left past the High School onto Windy Creek Rd
1.2 miles
Turn left onto Fir Point Ln
The lane ends at the camp
At the intersection turn left on Glendale Valley Rd
2.4 miles to town
Turn right onto Azalea-Glen Rd
0.4 miles past the sawmill
Turn right to stay on Azalea-Glen Rd
0.3 miles
Take the 1st left past the High School onto Windy Creek Rd
1.2 miles
Turn left onto Fir Point Ln
The lane ends at the camp
Directions from Interstate 5 - Southbound
Take Exit 80 toward Glendale
At the intersection go straight on Glendale Valley Rd
2.4 miles to town
Turn right onto Azalea-Glen Rd
0.4 miles past the old sawmill
Turn right to stay on Azalea-Glen Rd
0.3 miles
Take the 1st left past the High School onto Windy Creek Rd
1.2 miles
Turn left onto Fir Point Ln
The lane ends at the camp
At the intersection go straight on Glendale Valley Rd
2.4 miles to town
Turn right onto Azalea-Glen Rd
0.4 miles past the old sawmill
Turn right to stay on Azalea-Glen Rd
0.3 miles
Take the 1st left past the High School onto Windy Creek Rd
1.2 miles
Turn left onto Fir Point Ln
The lane ends at the camp